Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Inspiration: Different Blooms

I was just skimming throught some bridal inspiration when I came across this picture. At first glance I knew I liked something about it, but after I took a closer look, it was the fact that each girl is holding differnt flowers.

I think this is genious ... as long as, you keep them in the same palate. Beautiful!

Photography by Stephanie Williams

Happy Planning!
Natalie Imhoff
The Bridal Solution on Facebook
The Bridal Solution on Twitter

Monday, August 9, 2010

Inspiration: Bridal Party Info

Most of the time, your bridal party are your closest friends and family. They are the very ones that want to help you with your special day in any way that they can. Why not keep them involved in the process too, and create cute info sheets with details about your special day. Trust me, they will love you for it!

Or what about a bridal party newsletter outlining the important information like the ones from Bower Power?

Happy Planning!
Natalie Imhoff
The Bridal Solution on Facebook
The Bridal Solution on Twitter

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Inspiration: Cotton

Who knew cotton could be so classy? Such a great idea, especially for those magical southern weddings.

Images found on Southern Weddings.

Happy Planning!
Natalie Imhoff
The Bridal Solution on Facebook
The Bridal Solution on Twitter

Monday, August 2, 2010

Engagement Shoot: Danielle & Peter Part 2

Oh how I love this TBS couple! Seriously, they are so cute in their engagment shoots. You probably remember them from this post, but here they are again with their second engagement session pictures. They turned out great! The wedding is set for October of this year, so stay tuned!!

All photography by Ryan Gladstone

Happy Planning!
Natalie Imhoff
The Bridal Solution on Facebook
The Bridal Solution on Twitter
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