Showing posts with label Polaroid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polaroid. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TBS Inspiration: Polaroid Guest Book

So many of our brides want a fun, non-traditional guest book for their guests to sign. Gone are the days of the white lined paper, where the book is closed after the ceremony, probably never opened again. You know it's true!

Right now pictures are hot for "guest books." Whether they are using a photo booth, black boards or a memory book, one thing is for sure ... the guests love them, and it make an amazing keepsake after the big day.

My new photo love is Polaroids. It's a fun, creative way to remember each of your guests. And let's face it ... they are going to have a BLAST doing this!!

You may also use these Polaroid pictures as escort cards. Simply write the table number at the bottom of the film, and place back at the reception site. If you have extra time, a nice touch would be adding their picture at their seat on their plate. It's a great touch!

To create a Polaroid guest book, here is what you will need ...

1. You'll need a Polaroid camera of course. There are some great options on there. You will also want to get enough Polaroid film for each guest, or couple. I would be more on the liberal side, you don't want to run out!

2. You'll need to set up a guest book table, scrapbook, photo sticker mounts & plenty of PENS!!

3. Signage is key here. You'll want to place a sign on the table instructing your guests to snap a photo, ad hear to the scrapbook & to leave a message for the Bride & Groom. Super Simple! If it were me, I would also have a larger sign on an easel for your guests to see while their sitting at their seats.

You'll be so glad you have these beautiful images to remind you of your wedding, and the people who were there to support you!

[Sources: All Photographs found on Pinterest]

Happy Planning!
Natalie Imhoff
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